Wrinkles Under Eyes

Wrinkles under eyes are also known as smile lines or crow’s feet and are considered one of the first signs of aging.

Wrinkles under eyes are also known as smile lines or crow’s feet and are considered one of the first signs of aging. Wrinkles under eyes appear as ridges or creases that appear in an area around the eyes.

The main cause of wrinkles under eyes is the failure of or body to reproduce collagen and elastin proteins which are important for the formation of an elastic and vibrant skin while helping avoid the formation of wrinkles.


It is normal for people who are aging to have wrinkles under eyes or other parts of the body such as in your neck and face. The loss of elastin and collagen in the sensitive parts of the skin happens when we are aging, allowing the easy formation of thin creases in areas where moisture have also been reduced.

Wrinkles under eyes is also caused by smoking because smoking form damaging radicals in our body. The free radicals from tobacco smoke has the capabality to reduce the amounts of collage and elastin in our body, making the skin dry. Squinting smoke from the eyes when smoking can also cause wrinkles under eyes.

Another main cause of wrinkles under eyes is the different constant facial expressions such s laughing, smiling and squinting. The actions tends to make your eyelid skin get creases and eventually cause dynamic eye wrinkles.

Sunshine exposure, poor facial skin care and genetics are also some of the causes of wrinkles under eyes.

Wrinkle Under Eyes Treatment

Wrinkles under eyes are not a permanent problem of your skin and can be treated through medical procedures by which you can choose from.

One kind of treatment is the under eye wrinkle laser treatment which can be applied to the under eye skin sub layers which reinforces the support structure against aging causing wrinkles. With this kind of treatment, microscopic holes are formed on the wrinkled eyelid skin which eventually allows the production of new collagen.

Botox or Dysport is also an effective under eye wrinkle treatment while preventing occurrence of new wrinkles under the eye and relaxing the muscles the often causes eye wrinkles around the forehead and eyes.

This method is similar to derma fillers, but involves the injection of botulinum toxins which paralyze the muscles around the eyes to smoothen the under eye skin with wrinkles. However, Botox treatment can only last for only one year then you have to undergo another Botox injection the following year and each year to prevent the re-appearance of wrinkles under eyes.

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